Our Mission

Hillcrest Christian School exists to serve the Christian community by providing high-quality Christian education and discipleship to develop well-rounded students who will impact this world for the Lord Jesus Christ through Biblical thought and action and a deep-rooted foundation in God’s Word.

Our Vision

Our vision is to develop and maintain an accredited, multiple-facility, interdenominational, community-wide, Christian school system for students in grades infant through twelfth grade. The school system will provide rigorous academic instruction that is faithfully integrated with a God-centered worldview, including a wide range of extra-curricular and athletic activities. Our goal is to disciple students to strengthen their personal relationships with the Lord Jesus Christ and develop their talents, abilities, and characters to impact this world for Him.



We are thrilled to announce that we will be launching an Elementary Music and Drama program starting in the Fall. We have a new teacher joining us who will be teaching our students how to play a variety of instruments, and this will be a very well-rounded program.

As you can imagine, there are many start-up costs to building a strong music program. We are asking you to pray about partnering with us by donating to this incredible cause. We need approximately $10,000 to purchase all of the instruments and supplies that our new teacher will need to start off the school year.


Below is a list of different categories of the needs for our music program:

Piano Keyboards and Supplies - $2,000

Guitars and Supplies - $3,300

Ukuleles and Supplies - $2,500

Other Instruments and Supplies - $2,200

HCS Music and Drama Program

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